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Enkay Square 2nd Floor, Enkay Square, Plot 448-A, Opposite Cyber Hub, Phase V, Sector 19, Gurugram, Haryana, India

  WHY GAME OF INVESTMENT? Usually, startup networking events are all about one broad topic. Say, a presentation on how to expand digital footprints or how fintech has evolved over the years. Most people are either not interested in the topic or know too much 


Find Your Investor, a platform for entrepreneurs to learn about the nuances of raising capital, interact with investors one-on-one, and find the right investor with whom they can have follow on conversations to explore fund raising. Register now.

Global Investments Summit(GIS)

Virtual Conference

Venture Garage as a supporting partner with immense pleasure invites everybody to attend The Global Investments Summit (GIS) on 6th & 7th November 2020. The Event is returning for its 2nd edition to explore the challenges and opportunities in international investments. Cross-border investments have gathered 
