We now have a strong fund backed team doing listings on the SME exchange. We are looking for companies upwards of 1cr+ PAT (profit after tax) who might want to consider fund raising from the SME stock exchange.
Key Advantages
- Unlock the value of your business in multiples
- Say bye-bye to liquidity problems
- Earn recognition
- Look at aggressive growth,
- And exit routes over the next 3-5 years.
- The SME exchanges achieve a market cap of 30,000 crores in 2017
- Total Market Cap 31886.40
- BSE SME Market Cap 21395.40
- NSE EMERGE Market Cap 10491
- 126 Companies Listed on the SME exchange in the year 2017. This is doubled over last year.
- SME index Outperforms other indices
I am Interested